Greek statuette of an enthroned woman


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ITEMStatuette of an enthroned woman
CULTUREGreek, Hellenistic period
PERIOD3rd – 1st Century B.C
DIMENSIONS144 mm x 52 mm
CONDITIONGood condition
PROVENANCEEx English private collection, Sussex, mid-20th century private collection.

During the Greek Hellenistic period, which spanned from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. to the establishment of the Roman Empire in 31 B.C., the art of sculpture underwent significant developments, marked by a departure from the idealized forms of the Classical era towards greater naturalism and emotional expression. Among the notable sculptures from this period is the Statue of a Seated Woman, also known as the “Pergamon Woman,” dated to the 3rd century B.C. This sculpture exemplifies the Hellenistic style’s emphasis on capturing realism and individuality, as well as the portrayal of complex emotions.

The Statue of a Seated Woman is a marble sculpture depicting a woman seated in a relaxed posture, her body gently leaning to one side with her legs crossed elegantly. Her facial features are rendered with remarkable detail, conveying a sense of introspection and emotion. The woman’s hairstyle, drapery, and jewelry are intricately carved, adding to the lifelike quality of the sculpture. The absence of idealized proportions and the focus on naturalistic details distinguish this work as characteristic of the Hellenistic period.